Here is a short overview for the alpha version:
- install the img after download via “Balena Etcher” (or other method) on any ssd card with minimum 16Gb size
- download latest img:
- first time the img is started up, it takes a while as the system expands the available space on the sd card to a maximum
- you can access any zynthbox that is connecte to the local network via opening any device on the same network, open a browser and type “zynthian.local” as URL (for further instructions on that webconf please check out the zynthian wiki)
- the password is “raspberry”
- ssh access would be via “root” as user and “raspberry” as password: “ssh root@zynthian.local”
For a more detailed manual, please look here:
This manual is a WIP (Work-in-progress), so there are still many missing points, which will be added as time permits. If you want to help with documenting the base functionality or become involved into the project, please let us know, as an open-source project we always value any help or contributions. Just see the links where you find us on the internet.